Well I have been the absentee blogger as of late. Both this blog and my food blog have suffered. So now it is mid January and I will update both and re-commit to better blogging. So where has the triathlon world left me. Well I did run the Denver Marathon. Note run not race, I was careless in my prep and over weight, about Ironman Lake Placid + 15 pounds. Anyway I finished in 3:55, 23 minutes better than LP, at altitude and fat.
Next up was deciding my approach to 2011. I thought about a coach and thought about staying self coached. I decided to buy some of Joel Friel's canned plans that load into TrainingPeaks. Great value as I have email access to his coaching staff and can reuse and move around the plans as I need. This is really the balance I need, being a student of triathlon training and coaching.
Now next on my list, how to improve the bike. I took the plunge and bought a Computrainer for the off-season. This thing is incredible. It's like having a bike lab in my basement. I can get power, create ergometer workouts, ride Ironman courses in 3D or ride other courses with a pacer robot. Very cool and gets me motivated.
Next up was fixing my swim-slacker issues. I joined the local Tri-Masters swim group in my neighborhood rec center (If you know the Ranch you know neighborhood is a bit of a stretch, but our facilities are second to none, superb!) Anyway tri-masters kicks my butt and is getting me motivated to swim.
Lastly trying to get some social benefits from triathlon, I decided to join the Bike Source Multisport in my 'hood. Again superb value. I have not got to meet up yet, but it looks like from the calendar it picks up in March. Until then if I am not skiing in my backyard of Vail, Beaver Creek, Keystone, Breckenridge or A-Basin, I will hit up the Sunday swim.
So that's it, I have made some commitments and moved the ball forward. The A race for 2011 will be Ironman Wisconsin on September 11, 2011. I will be raising money for Livestrong in memory of my Mom who died from cancer and remembering those who lost their lives having lived and worked at Ground Zero. There is my motivation!
Happy Training!
Does the Keto Diet Work for Endurance Athletes?
4 years ago