A little late as I just started blogging, anyway I digress.
Wed June 17, we arrive in Spokane, WA and pick up the rental car. Everything was quite smooth. Luggage and my bike arrived in one place. We headed over to the hotel (Comfort Inn) in Coeur d'Alene, ID and checked in. The hotel was pretty nice, particularly the morning breakfast setup with a waffle maker and the free access to the local health club. We went up the room and I put my bike back together while Dana got to work. She's the fortunate or is it unfortunate type with a job she can do anywhere with an internet connection. After putting the bike together I headed over to the gym. I got in a light 30 minute pool swim and 30 minute treadmill run as it was rainy. Afterwards I picked up groceries at Safeway and we had some thin crust pizza for dinner. I touched base with my aunt Sharon who arrived the day before with her 3 kids, cousins Zoe, Noah and Ty (Sharon's a brave woman). I also chatted with my aunt Barb who arrived that day with my uncle Jarlath and their 2 kids, cousins Allison and Molly. Game planned to meet up the next day at Barb and Aunt Kristy's rented lake house.
Thursday I woke up around 7am and went downstairs for a waffle and some hard boiled eggs. I took the bike out for a thirty minute spin and made sure all cables were shifting correctly. All clear! Then I headed over to the Athlete's Village and checked in. Ironman is run like a well oiled machine. Check in was a cinch. I met a nice couple from Alaska, Jason and Kim. It was their second Ironman. After check in was time to go meet up with the family. They had quite a nice beach house and I took advantage of the lake access to get 30 minutes of swimming in the wetsuit. Big Frittata for dinner courtesy of Aunt Barb. Aunt Kristy and Uncle Stan arrived with my cousin Zack that evening.
Friday was a complete day off and rainy. I lounged while Dana worked. Around 5 we headed over to the Athlete's Village for the pre-race dinner. I bumped into Jason and Kim again so we dined with their Alaska crew. The food was rather bland but the atmosphere was cool. I got to stand twice, once as an Ironman virgin and then when they wanted to know who lost the most weight for the race. I sat down after 40 pounds. The winner dropped a buck fifty from 375 to 225 for the big day. INSANE! My brother Zeke and his fiance Sabra arrived that night from LA. So there is a Zeke, Zack and Zoe in my family, hmm.
I woke up early Saturday and headed over to the swim course to test the waters. Simple 15 minute swim and the water was choppy which would be a good foreshadowing of the wind on race day. I followed that with 15 on the bike and 15 on the run. Then we headed over with Zeke and Sabra to drop off my bike and transition bags. The four of us headed over to the lake house and spent the day lounging which is the prescribed prep for Ironman. Anything to keep from going crazy. All in all I was pretty mellow and felt relaxed. Uncle Stan cooked some Elk filets from his hunting success earlier in the season and some fish he caught too. Everything was delish and the lean protein was right up my alley. We headed back fairly early and made plans for Zeke and Sabra to pick us up at 5:30 the next morning before the race.
Relative to all I've heard and experienced in other big night before, I slept pretty well. I had 3 good 2 hour dozes. I woke up before the alarm at 4:30. I had 2 cups of black coffee and an apple with my vitamins. Not supposed to really eat inside of 3 hours before a big event so my plan was a Hammer Gel before the race started and that was it. Zeke and Sabra were right on time and we headed out. I got to the race a little before 6 am. Not much time but that was what I wanted, less time to think. I checked my bike and topped off my tire pressure. I situated all my water bottles, gels and bars throughout my transition bags and special needs bags and on my bike. One quick bathroom break while the pros started (they go 35 minutes early to get out of the masses' way). Then I went across the timing mat and down for the mass swim start.
The Swim - 1:36ish (about 15 minutes slower than hoped) - well I was warned in advance but seeing over 2,000 people all on a beach getting ready to jump in is freaky. It's a ton of folks! I went and quickly jumped in the freezing water and let some in my wetsuit so I wouldn't be shocked at race time. So the countdown began and the gun went off. CHAOS! You do indeed get kicked and punched. And the climbed over and bear hugged. I didn't take any direct shots to the face or nuts so that was a victory! The first lap seemed relatively smooth all things considered and I got done in around 41 minutes. I was pleased and figured I'd go faster the 2nd lap without all the crowd as folks spread out. It seemed the wind and surf picked up though as I kept getting smacked in the face with waves. So I just muddled through it the best I could and finished 8 minutes slower than the 1st. I felt a little weary stepping on dry land but I've managed through that before.
T-1 - About 7 minutes (1 minute slower than my preference). Wetsuit peelers rock. They yank that thing off you. I ate a hammer gel after I changed and hopped on the bike.
Bike 112 Miles - 6:55ish I started out on the bike really not sure where my pace would be. All I was aiming for was to go as fast as a zone 1 or 2 heart rate would allow. So when it started drifting up I backed off. People passed me but I figured I had a hundred and twelve miles to see them later and if not then perhaps on the marathon. I was determined to race my own race and let my results be what they were. STAY MENTALLY DISCIPLINED. So I took some calories in from Heed in my water bottles, Hammer gels and Kashi bars. I also had a few Endurolytes to keep the muscles firing. It was about 50 degrees for the bike so I actually had to pee a few times (was planning on once) since I wasn't sweating as much. The bike course was a challenge and after the first lap I knew it would be on the slower end of my target and was also pushing my "12 hour ultimate goal with everything perfect" out of reach. The other 2 goals were 1 finish and 2 14 hours seemed reasonable for my first Ironman although you are advised to make no time goals it's just my nature to make a goal. I had made the decision after getting beat up in the swim to not be disappointed by anything and just take the whole thing in and have a ball doing it. So that's what I did. And I negative split the bike riding the second 56 miles faster than the first. I smiled, rode and took in fuel and at one point thought wow this is going to be a really long day, hopefully I can get done before dark.
The bike course is cool because they take you back and forth through downtown about 6 times with the start and finish. I saw my family almost every time. You cannot imagine the lift that gives. I thought about it a lot while training or when trying to drag out of bed at 6am on a Saturday for a long training day. Then when they were there screaming and cheering it was just monumental to say the least. I knew I would be finishing this deal no matter what.
T2 - 4 minutes (right on target) Quick off the bike. Switched the shoes and threw on a hat. It was cold and starting to rain.
Run 26.2 miles - 4:55ish - the marathon, wow this is indeed a long day. My legs actually felt OK. I fueled with Hammer gel and Kashi bars again and the Gatorade on the course. I also stashed a Heed in my special needs bag with another Endurolyte. The rain came down pretty good and I was getting colder. After about 6 miles I was freezing and tired. I kept plowing forward and debating how to warm up. The mind definitely slows down and tolerates a lot of things during Ironman. Somewhere around mile 8 I had a real need for a bathroom break. Luckily a portapotty was just a half mile ahead and I quickly took care of business. Then by the powers that be (those powers being the great volunteers of Coeur d'Alene that help get us through this ordeal) I was given a trashbag cut out as a poncho. The run really seemed to go forever especially being my first marathon. I kept plugging away. With about 8 miles to go I almost started crying thinking about the year of blood, sweat and tears and how SWEET that finish line was going to look. Then with some 5 or so miles to go (most of which my pace would indicate were uphill) my crazy, awesome, cool family had driven from downtown out on to the run and were there screaming for me. My 12 year old cousin Ty was running beside me quite faster and laughing. But it was awesome! I told them with around 3 miles to go I should be able to get in to the finish in 35 minutes or so. They hopped in the car and sped off. I ripped off the trashbag. With about 500 yards to go you reach the top of a little hill that turns left and points down into the finishing shoot. It has stadium seating and a roaring crowd and lights (though there was still a little daylight out, thankfully the race was on the longest day of the year). WOW I JUST SPRINTED FOR THAT FINISH WITH MY ARMS HIGH AND MY HEAD AND HEART HIGHER!
"Jason Bezon from Highlands Ranch Colorado...YOU ARE AN IRONMAN" blared over the speaker.
My race concierge met me at the finish to make sure I was OK. He was cool and took me to get my hat, t-shirt and finishers medal. I saw my family standing at the finish and had them come hop in a picture with me. It was pure joy. I could not stop smiling. Smiling right now as I type this.
We all headed over to the Pan Asian Bistro right beside the finish line as I was starving and really wanted the taste of endurance supplements out of my mouth. I ate 2 dinners, Sezchuan beef and cashew chicken and a big bowl of brown rice. Perfecto. Zeke, Sabra and my crew chief, aka wife, aka "Dana the best" headed over and grabbed all my stuff as it started to rain some more. We loaded up their rental car and headed back to the hotel. Text messages of congratulations from my cousin Grant (the first Ironman in my family) and some friends rolled in. I slept like a rock!
The awards ceremony the next day was cool and I would definitely recommend it. I was actually walking ok the next day. One of the most incredible personal experiences of my life. My next Ironman is bought and paid for and will be July 25, 2010 at Lake Placid, NY!
Does the Keto Diet Work for Endurance Athletes?
4 years ago
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