Well I haven't had many forced reasons to write this season. IM MOO as it is known is my second and last race of 2011
My little buddy (hint: she's fast!)
So MOO (Ironman Wisconsin, it's in dairy cow country), my friend Barb was doing it for her first and my buddy and Tepper classmate Chris was doing it. It was on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 where I lived and worked at Ground Zero. The second plane flew over my head into the south tower. I also decided to raise money for the Lance Armstrong Foundation and the war on cancer. When I was 16, I held my mom's hand while she died of this wretched disease. I decided on a $5 thousand fundraising goal and have since passed that goal (if you want to push me further over the limit...http://tinyurl.com/2d6d9kk).
Yeah my world was emotional this day, but you dig deep in this life...period end of sentence. There are no ifs, second chances, redos, mulligans, this is it. So go big or go home. That's our household motto. Creates its fair share of physical therapy and other problems, but well worth it.
Swim 1 hour 21 minutes: yeah I learned on my way in the water that we would not be exiting. The flipside of being the mellow calm fellow, is um yeah you don't know what's going on sometimes. I confirmed with Barb and 10 other people that yeah just swim 2 laps and then exit. I did and it was fine sans some of the people I clubbed in the head with my paws. I was hoping for closer to 1:15 given the work I had done on the swim, but I think I just went too light, I did not feel my normal tired, groggy self after the swim and that is a good thing, with 138 miles to go. 6 minute PR so that will work.
T1, like 10 minutes, MOO transition sucks!
Bike 6 hours 38 minutes: Ouch, wind, heat and humidity are not a 185 pound man's friend for 112 (btw my Garmin said 113) miles. I have discipline and held back till mile 70. But man I wanted to bail in the heat. Then I remembered, 10 years ago living and working at Ground Zero and watching people jump from the heat. It wasn't that hot. I think like 1 minute slower than Placid. No complaining!
T2 I think around 5 or 6 minutes. MOO Transition SUCKS!
Run: I train for the run, no worries. I just plowed through it, soaking in all the emotions and the experience. It was great seeing Barb and Chris out on the run course too. Made it more friendly. The crowds were awesome in Madison. I got to give my wife and friend Joe a high five on the run, which was sweet! Always great to see support out there! 4:16 ish and another PR about 4 minutes. So you will recall 6 on the swim, 4 on the run and -1 on the bike. But only 1 minute faster overall vs Lake Placid at 12:29. And I repeat transitions SUCK @ MOO!!! But whatever, its all for charity and the war on cancer in my book. And I nailed that goal to the wall!!!
3X Ironman Finisher, Jason Bezon, I like the ring!
Banzo of course nailed a Kona spot first try. Awesome job for her first IM. She and her awesome family made it that much more fun.
And my awesome family makes it all possible year in and year out. Thank you Ironmate!
A special shout out to my buddy Joe Doucas and his family. He had no business driving the 140.6 (yeah we raced the same distance) from Chicago to Madison on a Sunday with work to do on Monday, but he did it. He also took most of these awesome pictures. Thanks Joe, you're a good friend!
The whole crew!
Happy Training
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4 years ago
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